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Decoding Self-Improvement Blogs: How To Live In The Moment

Writer's picture: Alice WalkerAlice Walker

Decoding Self-Improvement

You start to admire the beauty in life when you truly understand that you’ll never get to re-live the same moment twice.

When was the last time you relished the present moment you live in? When was the last time you celebrated YOU? Our digital success has come at the expensive cost of forgetting to live mindfully.

Think about it; every day you move through the motions of life as though it were muscle memory at this stage. When was the last time you cherished the food you ate? Or just genuinely focused on listening to someone while they shared their stories?

We’re so stuck in the future or the past that living mindfully now has become a great luxury. Because of the rat race we’re currently part of, taking a break and observing life unfold around us has become something we chart out for the future!

“When I retire, I’ll finally have the time to do all that I want to do” has become synonymous with living. What if we told you that you didn’t have to live like this? What if we told you being mindful is a skill you can develop? What if we told you, living in the moment is about to change your life 180?

You can listen to all the self-improvement podcasts and the self-improvement blogs out there, but unless you put those tips to practice, it would be of no help. So here are three tips to help you get started:

1. Practice Mindfulness

  • You are no stranger to how mindfulness can be beneficial for you. From anxiety to depression to everything in between, mindfulness has been a practice backed by science to help you lead a better life.

  • To get started, 5 minutes of mindfulness every day is all it takes! Download a guided meditation app as you begin cultivating a headspace for pausing and living in the moment. As you get better at being one with your mind, you can increase the time.

  • The skill you learn here is to bring yourself back to the present moment from wandering thoughts.

2. Cultivate Radical Acceptance

  • Radical acceptance means no matter the situation; you stop resisting what is and rather allow yourself to experience it without any judgement.

  • No more “trying to be” someone you’re not. Rather, just accepting your shortcomings and the more human side of yourself.

  • After all, when you acknowledge something, you become aware of it. The first step to any change is becoming aware of the problem. So you see, it all works out in the end.

3.Form An Attitude Of Gratitude

  • Practising Gratitude takes a lot of effort. Although this simple task of saying thank you might not seem like much when you get to practice it, you’ll know the difficulty in the initial days

  • Start by maintaining a gratitude journal. Set a minimum of 5 things you’re grateful for in the day. As the days go by, the five things would multiply compounded.

  • The skill you learn here is being mindful and appreciative of the small things in life that add up to make your entire day more positive and rewarding.

Healing has a domino effect. When you heal one area of your life, it flows into healing the other areas as well. No matter how many self-help books you read, it’s the simple skills that show you the path to living your best life. After all, those books talk about the same too.


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